Imaginary Friend

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I try to give more attention to my hair. Since the condition is pretty bad. I got dry and tangled hair. I try to stop dying my hair too, that's why I chose very dark hair colour last time, so I don't have to retouch the root anymore. Anyway, I got hair care products from Kracie Ichikami. Let me tell you my opinion about the shampoo, conditioner and the hair treatment products in this post.

Akhir-akhir ini aku lagi rajin ngerawat rambut, soalnya kalo liat kondisi rambutku sedih deh. Kering dan susah diatur, untungnya gak sampai bercabang. Makanya udah lama aku juga gak ngewarnain rambut, terakhir aku pilih warna dark brown yang mirip sama warna asli rambutku. Jadi gak perlu touch up root lagi, hehe. Pas banget lagi suka merawat rambut, eh dapat rangkain perawatan rambut dari Kracie Ichikami. Mulai dari shampoo, conditioner, treatment dalam bentuk cream & spray.

You will love Kracie Ichikami products, because:
  • It has rice extract & natural ingredients
  • It protects our hair from UV light & dryness
  • Smells like Sakura (cherry blossom flower)
  • Silicone free
  • It has BPOM license

Oiya, semua produk dari Kracie Ichikami ini punya banyak keunggulan:
  • Mengandung ekstrak beras merah & tumbuhan alami
  • Melindungi rambut dari kerusakan dari Sinar UV dan kekengeringan
  • Memiliki wangi bunga Sakura
  • Bebas Silicone
  • Terdaftar BPOM

Ok now let me introduce you to the shampoo first. It has a nice texture which more watery than other shampoo. And the colour is white like milk. Smells like sakura which I really like. If you have dry hair like me, it will be good to massage your scalp more. You don't have to wash your hair very often. For me, I usually do it like 3 times a week.

Yuk kita bahas shampoo nya dulu. Teksturnya agak encer dan warnanya putih seperti susu. Wangi bunga sakuranya enak, hehe. Tips untuk kamu yang punya rambut kering bisa dipijat kulit kepalanya saat keramas. Selain itu jangan sering-sering keramas karena nanti rambutmu jadi makin kering. Biasanya aku seminggu 3 kali aja keramas.

I always use conditioner after I wash my hair. It helps a lot to detangled my hair. Kracie Ichikami conditioner has soft texture almost like shampoo (but not Kracie's shampoo). It doesn't creamy. Anyway, don't apply conditioner on your scalp. It can cause dandruff. Only apply it on your hair and leave it for about 5 minutes then rinse it off.

Nah kalau udah pake shampoo harus banget pake conditioner, karena rambutku susah diaturnya, kalo pakai conditioner rambut jadi lebih halus. Tekstur dari conditioner Kracie Ichikami ini sedikit kental tapi tidak sampai creamy. Cara pakai conditoner pada helaian rambutmu aja ya, jangan sampai ke kulit kepala, nanti bisa jadi ketombe lho.

You can apply cream hair treatment after that. I really like this product. Honestly, I already use my 3rd tube until now. I've been a fans of Kracie Ichikami's hair treatment for a long time! I like the thick creamy texture. It gives nice feeling to my hair.

Setelah pakai conditioner lanjut pakai hair treatment, sebenarnya sih bisa langsung pakai hair treatment setelah keramas, biasanya aku gitu hehe. Makanya aku udah pakai hair treatment ini 3 botol lho. Jadi dari dulu memang aku suka dengan hair treatment Kracie Ichikami ini. Tekturnya creamy banget dan benar-benar bikin rambutku jadi mudah diatur. Cara pakainya sama dengan conditioner.

After those steps above, let your hair dry. Complete the whole steps with spray leave on treatment. I super like the design. It has something to control the cap, so you don't have to worry while bring it traveling with you. When you press the cap, it will spread out to your hair evenly and the sakura scent is makes my hair smells so nice.

Setelah rambutmu kering, langkah terakhirnya semprot pakai hair treatment yang bentuknya spray. Ini aku suka banget, soalnya design tutupnya ada penjaga biar gak kepencet sembarangan. Selain itu hasil semprotannya menyebar ke rambut. Biasanya kalau pakai hair treatment spray rada susah disemprot ke seluruh rambut. Tapi kalau yang ini gampang banget.

I've been the entire products for like 2 weeks. I can feel that my hair is a lot smoother. It's also a lot easier to arrange my hair. As for me the shampoo and conditioner is kinda so so. But, the hair treatment products (cream & leave on) definitely are a must try! As you know I've been repurchased Kracie Ichikami hair treatment and I'll do it to the leave on treatment for sure.

Udah 2 minggu nih aku pakai produk di atas, yang kerasa itu rambut jadi lebih halus dan mudah diatur, cuma masih terasa kering. Mungkin harus tunggu lebih lama lagi biar keliatan banget perubahannya. Aku saranin kamu coba hair treatmentnya, baik yang cream & spray. Kedua produk itu yang benar-benar kerasa hasilnya di rambutku.

Disclaimer : this is a sponsored post! 


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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