Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Cuteness overload at The Body Shop Launching of Instablur, last week. Yes, I went to Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 to see this show. Not just a common fashion show, keep reading this post if you're curious.

Lucu banget koleksi busana di acara The Body Shop Launching of Instablur, minggu lalu. Aku datang ke Jakarta Fashion Week 2015 untuk menghadiri acara ini. Bukan hanya fashion show, jadi baca terus posting ini ya kalau kamu penasaran.

Instablur is primer products from The Body Shop, which can reduces fine lines on our face. That's why it will be a perfect weapon for you if you love selfie.

Instablur merupakan produk primer dari The Body Shop, yang bisa mengurangi kerutan di wajah. Makanya produk ini cocok banget untuk kamu yang suka selfie.

The models pose like they're taking selfies on the runway. Look ultra cute in JII's dresses.

Para model berpose seperti sedang selfie di atas runway. Lucu banget apalagi pakai baju dari JII.

Anyway, I met Stella Lee. One of my favorite beauty blogger. She's so pretty! We both are wearing starrylight, hehe. Read my review about it.

Aku ketemu Stella Lee, lho. Salah satu beauty blogger favoritku. Cantik banget ya! Kita sama-sama pakai starrylight, hehe. Baca review-ku tentang produk ini.

Last picture, my OOTD. Wearing trench coat by Retail Therapy Jakarta. Unbranded dress, Miabella necklaces and shoes by ZARA.

Foto terakhir, OOTD. Aku pakai trench coat dari Retail Therapy Jakarta. Dress dari online shop (lupa hehe), kalung dari Miabella dan sepatu ZARA.

Actually, I got 10 invitations to JFW 2015. But, last week, I've been freaking busy with job :(
So, only went to 4 shows. Hopefully next year will attend all the shows or maybe held my own show :)

Sebenarnya, aku diundang 10 show di JFW 2015. Sayangnya, aku benar-benar sibuk sama kerjaan. Jadi cuma bisa datang 4 show aja :(
Mudah-mudahan tahun depan bisa datang ke semua show-nya, atau malah bikin show sendiri. Amin!


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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