Imaginary Friend

Blog berisi review makeup & skin care dan juga pengalaman traveling ke Jepang, Singapore, dll.

Hello there! I believe most of you already familiar with ZAP. Especially, if you live in big cities (in Indonesia), like Jakarta, Bandung, etc. I got a voucher invitation from BBlogger Meet Up event, so I decided to try the underarm hair removal treatment. Which is the best seller from all of their service.

Halo semuanya! Kebanyakan dari kamu pasti sudah kenal ZAP deh. Apalagi yang tinggal di kota-kota besar di Indonesia, seperti Jakarta, Bandung, dll. Aku ada voucher dari acara BBlogger Meet Up, akhirnya aku pakai untuk mencoba underarm hair removal treatment. Yang merupakan treatment paling laku dari ZAP.

What is ZAP? 
It's a permanent hair removal, since 2009. It has international standard with FDA USA and CE certificate. Don't worry it's save. If you live in JABODETABEK (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi), they have home service, awesome right?

ZAP itu adalah treatment penghilang bulu yang permanen, sejak tahun 2009. Sudah berstandar internasional lho, ada sertifikan FDA USA dan CE dari Eropa. Juga aman, jadi jangan khawatir. Kalau kamu tinggal di JABODETABEK ada home service juga, asik kan?

Last week, I came to the outlet at Woltermonginsidi, Jakarta Selatan. It was my very first time. It might be look small from the ouside. But trust me, it's such a cozy place inside.

Nah, minggu lalu aku datang ke outlet-nya ZAP yang di Woltermonginsidi, Jakarta Selatan. Pertama kalinya lho. Kelihatan dari luranya sih kecil, tapidi  dalamnya nyaman banget.

The receptionists were so nice. First they ask me, what treatment which I want, then make sure I didn't do the things on image below.

Receptionist-nya juga ramah banget. Pertama, aku ditanya mau treatment apa, terus diminta lihat ketentuan di bawah. Pastikan kamu gak melakukan hal-hal yang dilarang sebelum treatment.

And then, I have to fill the agreement paper and register form. After that, I'm ready to get the treatment.

Nah, setelah itu aku diminta mengisi surat persetujuan dan formulir registrasi. Kalau sudah, langsung bisa treatment deh.

Here is the treatment room. I know it's so small, but all you do is lay down on the bed for only few minutes. So, I guess no need bigger room. There will be 2 lovely ladies, who will do the treatment to you.

Ini dia ruangan treatment-nya. Memang kecil, tapi kan kamu cuma akan tiduran beberapa menit doang kok. Jadi gak butuh ruangan besar. Nanti akan ada 2 orang dari ZAP yang akan bantu, lagi-lagi mereka sangat ramah.

Anyway, I didn't take any photo during the treatment. But, you can see the picture below. It's pretty much describe the whole process.

Aku gak bisa ambil foto selama treatmet berlangsung. Tapi kamu bisa lihat gambar di bawah mengenai proses treatment di ZAP.

If you're curious about the pricelist, here you go.

Kalau kamu penasaran harganya, bisa lihat di gambar bawah ya.

Good News
If you're interested to be a SILVER MEMBER which is FREE Underarm hair removal treatment for a lifetime, you can email me. Cause there will be a special price for you. Hurry, cause it's limited!

Kalau kamu berminat jadi SILVER MEMBER, yaitu GRATIS untuk Underarm hair removal treatment semumur hidup, kamu bisa email aku. Akan ada harga khusus untuk kamu, buruan ya terbatas lho!

I really really loves the ZAP family, they are super nice. Informative and always give the best smile to you. I also like the place. It's clean and cozy, also the location of the outlet is easy to reach. For the treatment, some people say, you will feel warm and a lil shock. As for me, I feel almost nothing during the treatment. It wasn't feel hurt at all. About the result, I need to come back again four times more. I know it's a bit pricey. Hey, it's permanent tho! So, I think it's worth the money. I will definitely come again next month for the second treatment. Maybe, after 5 times I'll share about the result.

Aku suka banget dengan keramah tamahan dari orang-orang di ZAP. Informatif dan selalu senyum. Aku juga suka tempatnya yang bersih dan nyaman, lokasinya pun mudah dijangkau. Untuk treatment-nya karena baru sekali jadi belum kelihatan hasilnya. Harus balik lagi minimal 4x. Gak sakit sama sekali lho, aku malah hampir gak terasa apa-apa. Harganya agak mahal sih, tapi kan hasilnya permanen, jadi harganya sesuai kalau menurutku. Bulan depan aku pastinya akan balik lagi dengan treatment kedua. Mungkin nanti setelah 5x coba, aku tulis review-nya.

Don't forget visit ZAP website for more information.

Jangan lupa mampir ke website-nya ZAP untuk informasi lainnya.


I personally tested every product and give my very honest opinion based on my personal experienced. I put additional disclaimer in each sponsored post.

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